White House Poetry Revival Wed May 2nd 2007
White House Poetry Revival
Wed 2nd May 2007 9:00pm
This weeks guest poet is Alan Garvey.
Alan Garvey's work has been published in magazines such as 'THE SHOp',
'Southword' and 'The Stinging Fly'; and the anthologies: 'The Backyards of
Heaven' and 'However Blow the Winds'. He self-published three chapbooks:
'Dear Whoever', 'The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea' and 'Play Dead'. He
received Travel & Mobility grants from the Arts Council of Ireland to read
in the University of Toronto and at the March Hare Festival, Newfoundland.
He lives in Carlow with his wife, Tara and son, Keir. Arts administrator
and part-time lecturer, he is studying for an M.A. in Creative Writing at
Waterford Institute of Technology. His first full collection, 'Herself in
Air' (2006), is published by Lapwing Publications (Belfast).
For further information contact Barney Sheehan at 086 8657494 or Dominic Taylor at 087 2996409
Email whitehousepoets@eircom.net Website http://www.limerick.com/whitehousepoets/ Blog http://whitehousepoets.blogspot.com/
MySpace http://myspace/thewhitehousepoets
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