White House Poetry Revival
Wed. Feb 28th 2007 9.00pm This weeks special guest poet is Gerry Murphy. GERRY MURPHY was born in Cork in 1952. His poetry collections include A Small Fat Boy Walking Backwards (1985, 1992) and four previous collections from Dedalus, Rio de la Plata and All That (1993), The Empty Quarter (1995), Extracts from the Lost Log-Book of Christopher Columbus (1999) and Torso of an Ex-Girlfriend (2002). His poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies, and Pocket Apocalypse, his translations of the Polish poet Katarzyna Borun-Jagodzinska, appeared in 2005 from Southword Editions. End of Part One: New & Selected Poems features generous selections from all of those books together with some 30 new poems in a section entitled ‘The Psychopathology of Everyday Life’.
A political poet who also writes daring love poems, or a love poet whose portraits and parodies constitute a necessary clearing of space—whether in a small city or on a larger, global stage—either way Gerry Murphy is a particular case in Irish poetry, at once provocative and hugely entertaining, serious even in his most apparently throw-away gesture. “What makes Murphy unique among his contemporaries,” according to John Montague in a brief foreword to this selected volume, “is his curious integrity, the way he has created an aesthetic out of nearly nothing, ex nihilo. But there is much skill behind his lightness of touch...”
"This is a poet who understands rhythm and voice as he understands the complexity of human emotion."
—Fiona Sampson, The Irish Times
Barney Sheehan at 086 8657494 or Dominic Taylor at 087 2996409.
Email whitehousepoets@eircom.net Website http://www.limerick.com/whitehousepoets/Blog http://whitehousepoets.blogspot.com/Podcast: http://druidpaddy.blogmatrix.com/