White House Poetry Revival Wed 1st Aug 2007

White House Poetry Revival
Wed 1st Aug 2007 9.00pm
This weeks guest is Limerick poet John Liddy.
Described by his good friend and fellow Limerick poet Desmond O Grady as someone who has lived ‘a full life’ and an excellent example to all students of literature who aspire to write John Liddy was born and educated in Ireland. Originally from the Rathbane area of Limerick he moved to Madrid 25 years ago where he works as a teacher.Former editor of the literary review The Stony Thursday Book, with Jim Burke. He has six book of poetry to his credit, Boundaries (1974); The Angling Cot(1991);Song Of The Empty Cage (1997); Wine and Hope (2000); Cast-a-Net (2003) and The Well: New and selected Poems (2007).
Liddy's poetry has been described as having no boundaries. As profoundly Irish as Spanish he drinks from the deep well of tradition and history of both countries. His work is an example of the cultural mix we are compelled to live with for the coming century. John offers the heart of two countries, richly diverse, national in its sources, limitless and universal in its appeal.
Liddy is a loyal poet- loyal to the tradition of poetry. Michael Fanning
Most importantly, whether he is writing poems of recollection, social realism, politics, or nature, John Liddy has the ability to use language which hits the poetic ‘g spot’. Patrick Galvin
For further information contact Barney Sheehan at 086 8657494 or Dominic Taylor at 087 2996409
Email whitehousepoets@eircom.net Website http://www.limerick.com/whitehousepoets/ Blog http://whitehousepoets.blogspot.com/
MySpace http://myspace/thewhitehousepoets
The White House Poets acknowledge the support of the following:
The Arts Council of Ireland - poetry Ireland - limerick.com - Limerick City Council - Foras na Gaeilge
Labels: poetry Limerick arts spoken word talk revival john liddy