White House Poetry Revival Wed 14th June 2006

White House Poetry Revival
Wed 14th. June 2006 9.00pm
This weeks special guest poet is the winner of the 2006 Cuirt Poetry Grand Slam
Brendan Murphy.
Brendan Murphy was born in Liverpool to English parents and Irish grandparents. He is a graduate of Sheffield University, where he studied the History of Art, Film and Design. His first performance experience was a Saturday night slot with a friend at his local pub, where they developed an improvised repartee on the week’s events. Brendan has lived in Galway for the last eight years and considers Ireland his spiritual home. Although he has been writing since his early teens he only started to perform his work last December. Brendan is this year’s winner of the Cuirt Grand Slam.
As usual the reading is preceded by an open mic session in which anyone who wishes to read is invited to do so. Complementary finger food is provided and proceeding commence at 9.00 pm.
For further information contact Barney Sheehan at 086 8657494 or Dominic Taylor at 087 2996409.
Email whitehousepoets@eircom.net Website www.limerick.com/whitehousepoets
Blog Http://whitehousepoets.blogspot.com Podcast: http://druidpaddy.blogmatrix.com/
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